You've probably been told countless times that women love compliments, but that doesn't mean they love all of them. So guys, if you want to compliment a woman, there are several ways to go about it that can increase your chances of having it go over well.
Be different from other guys
The one thing about giving a woman a compliment is that there's a really good chance she's already heard it. Of course it's different because it's coming from you, but avoid giving her the same generic compliment she's probably heard a thousand times before. If you think she's repeatedly heard it, she probably has. It's the biggest key to getting her to look at you in a different way and separate you from all the guys who have tried to flatter her before.
Be specific
When you give a woman a compliment, make sure you're as specific as possible. It's easy to tell her she looks pretty - and while there's nothing wrong with that - saying "You look pretty; that dress looks great on you" is a much better alternative. It will have more of an impact, plus she'll end up thinking of you every time she sees that outfit.
Know when to compliment her body
Unless you have been dating the woman for awhile, never make an obnoxious comment about her body. It's one thing to compliment a woman on her derriere or other body part when you've been dating for several months, it's another when it's the first time you're talking to her or you've been dating for only a little bit of time. It makes you sound like a creepy jerk and tells her you're only interested in her for her body.
Be honest
They may not call you out on it, but most women can see through a fake compliment. If your comment is going to be fake in any way, you're better off not even saying anything at all.
Say it in front of others
Many women would love for a man to compliment her in front of her friends (or his) whether he does it online or in person. It can be a bit tricky considering you don't want to make her feel completely uncomfortable. When doing it online, compliment her on her picture, a success she had or just leave a flattering post on her wall. In person, make it simple so you don't make her feel awkward.
Skip the cheese
There's nothing wrong with being a bit corny if the woman is into that, but skip the really cheesy compliments especially if you don't know her that well. When a guy I'm dating lets a cheesy compliment slip after we've been dating awhile, we laugh and joke about it. However, if a guy does that when we're first getting to know each other, it sometimes comes off as a bit too much, like he's trying way too hard or like he's used to saying those types of lines to women. In most cases, heartfelt honesty goes a long way over cheese.
Do it when it's unexpected
Of course you want to say something nice to a woman when you're getting ready to go out for the evening or she asks you how she looks, but complimenting her when she least expects it is going to mean a lot more. For example, try it while you're waiting on line together, while she's just sitting there reading a book or while the two of you are eating dinner together. If she's into you, it'll make her heart flutter a bit especially when you catch her off guard.
Although most women love compliments, don't overdo it by constantly flattering her. It'll start to be an expected habit rather than an unexpected surprise. Be genuine and make the compliments heartfelt and you'll increase your chances of getting (and keeping) her attention and her heart.
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